3, 2014
Choosing Guardians for Your Children
For most people, one of the most important factors in
deciding to make a will is being able to choose who will take care of their
children. As you might expect, this ends up being one of the most difficult
decisions they can make. So most people end up procrastinating, seeking
perfection in a guardian. This often leaves children vulnerable if a tragedy
parents of minor children pass away without a named guardian for their
children, the decision is left up to state courts and agencies. The most
important consideration is what is in the best interests of the children. But
only you can truly know what is in the best interests of your children, which
is why it is important for you to name a guardian.
a guardian is a difficult decision. But it is not set in stone. You can choose
a guardian, and if circumstances change, you can change your choice. In fact,
you are encouraged to reevaluate your choice of guardians often, to make sure
that the person you select is still the most ideal candidate.
The fact is most of us will see our children grow and have
children of their own. But there are never guarantees. We have all experienced
the unexpected loss of a loved one. If you want to make sure your children are
taken care of if something happens to you, make sure to name a guardian in your
will. Think about your decision carefully, and reconsider it often. Most
importantly, don’t procrastinate.